London Properties / Investments+

If you wish to book or discuss any of the properties listed, please don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below:

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Londinium ONE: MINORIES @ the City

“London goes beyond any boundary or convention. It contains every wish or word ever spoken, every action or gesture ever made, and every harsh or noble statement ever expressed. It is illimitable. It is Infinite London.”
Peter Ackroyd

Londinium TWO: YORK WAY @ King’s Cross

“By seeing London, I have seen as much of life as the world can shew.”
Boswell: Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides

Londinium THREE: THOMAS MORE @ St Katherine Docks

“Sir, if you wish to have a just notion of the magnitude of this city, you must not be satisfied with seeing its great streets and squares, but must survey the innumerable little lanes and courts. It is not in the showy evolutions of buildings, but in the multiplicity of human habitations which are crowded together, that the wonderful immensity of London consists.”
Boswell: Life

Londinium FOUR: COXSON WAY @ Tower Bridge

“A country gentleman should bring his lady to visit London as soon as he can, that they may have agreeable topicks for conversation when they are by themselves.”
Boswell: Life

Londinium FIVE: (coming soon) VESAGE COURT @ Holborn

“I love London Society! I think it has immensely improved. It is entirely composed now of beautiful idiots and brilliant lunatics. Just what Society should be.”
Oscar Wilde

Londinium SIX: (coming soon) DOCK STREET @ St. Katherine’s Dock

“Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”
Boswell: Life

Londinium SEVEN: JACKSON ROAD @ Barking

“It is difficult to speak adequately or justly of London. It is not a pleasant place; it is not agreeable, or cheerful, or easy, or exempt from reproach. It is only magnificent.” – Henry James

Londinium NAUTAE: YACHT PANTHALASSA @ St Katherine Docks

“The happiness of London is not to be conceived but by those who have been in it. I will venture to say, there is more learning and science within the circumference of ten miles from where we now sit, than in all the rest of the world.”
Boswell: Life